Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Toxin-free Plan of Action Update and homemade deodorant

Hello folks! I feel as though I've been neglecting my blog lately, and for that I apologize. I've been busy lately. I started my post surgical physical therapy and so far it's going well. I'm still experiencing pain but it is better than it was prior to the surgery. I've realized that two of my action plan due dates are coming up on May 1st, so I thought I'd update you on my progress. Here are the things that I still need to complete by May 1st.

  • Food toxins
    • Replace store bought coconut milk and almond milk beverages with homemade almond milk.
    • Research which bulk supply stores carry organic non-GMO foods.
  • Beauty care
    • Find a toxin-free toothpaste
    • Make facial cleansing wipes and lip balm
If you read my original list then you'll see that I've come a long way. There are still some things I'm working on, but I'm getting closer and closer to a toxic-free lifestyle. I've realized that there are things out of my control. There are toxins in things I don't even realize or things that I might not have control over. I've come across several items that I didn't even think about when I created my initial action plan. I didn't consider candles, cookware/bake ware, the plastics that foods are already packaged in, toilet paper, hand soap containers, tap water, etc. Every day I'm realizing more and more that this is a LONG journey. There are things I cannot afford to change right now, and things that are going to take time to change. There is a good possibility that I will never get every single toxic thing out of my house, and I'm okay with that. YES I would LOVE to live COMPLETELY toxin-free, but in this day and age that's almost impossible. I would literally need to live in the wood somewhere living off of my own land with no modern conveniences and stores. My goal is to eliminate as many toxins as I possibly can.

The most recent thing I've checked off of my action plan was switching out the plastics for glass, stainless steel, and aluminum. I posted pictures of the food that I switched into glass jars last month, but today I went another step further. On April 7th I posted about the Specialty Bottle website that sells glass bottles and jars for a great price. I purchased a few things and they arrived today and I'm very satisfied. I purchased a 32oz swing top glass bottle, three aluminum 4oz bottles with pump tops, and two 4oz glass bottles one with a pump and one with a spray top. The swing top bottle I will be drinking out of, the aluminum bottles are for hand soap and dish soap, and I'm using the 4oz glass bottles for my jojoba oil. I put jojoba oil in my hair to hydrate and tame the frizz, and I also use it as moisturizer. It can get messy when handling the bottle that it comes in, so I bought these glass bottles. Now I can spray it in my hair or pump it into my hand. I'm very pleased with my purchase.

On Sunday I made my own deodorant. I used cocoa butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, magnesium oil, tea tree oil, and non-GMO corn starch. I think it turned out well since I just winged it, and it works great. So far it has lasted at least 12 hours. I haven't officially timed it but I put it on in the morning and by time I go to get in the shower at night it still smells like the deodorant and not sweat. The only modifications I will make in future batches is to use more cocoa butter, less jojoba oil, and I will add an essential oil for fragrance. It mostly smells like cocoa butter but with a hint of tea tree oil. I'd like it to smell more like "normal" deodorant. I'll probably add lavender or citrus essential oil in the future. The reason I'd use more cocoa butter and less jojoba oil is because it currently melts too fast when applied. It is solid at room temperature, but not as solid as I would like it to be. These modifications would make the consistency harder and less malleable. It would still melt onto the skin when applied, but should not melt as quickly as it does now. 

Here is a rough estimate of the recipe that I used (this does not include the above modifications).

1/2 cup cocoa butter
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/8 cup jojoba oil
1/8 cup magnesium oil
1 tsp tea tree oil
2 tbsp non-GMO cornstarch

I will continue to work on my toxin-free action plan and I will update you about my progress. If you are also on this journey please feel free to comment below. I'd love to hear what things you've gotten rid of, what you're still struggling with, and any advice or questions you may have.

Have a great day and may your journey to a toxic-free life be a prosperous one!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Sea Salt Brownies

The original brownie recipe I use is from Against The Grain. That recipe is great but I wanted to kick it up a notch. I'm on a big chocolate and hazelnut kick so I decided to make a chocolate hazelnut brownie. Once I put the batter into the pan it only seemed natural to add some Himalayan pink sea salt to the top because chocolate and sea salt are absolutely delicious together. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did. It's super easy and delicious!

Paleo Chocolate Hazelnut Sea Salt Brownies

1/2 Cup Coconut oil or ghee
1/2 Cup Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 Cup Raw honey
1/2 Cup Hazelnuts
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 eggs beaten
Himalayan pink sea salt or sea salt of choice (to taste preference)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease and 8x8 pan with coconut oil.

In a small saucepan melt the coconut oil and honey over low heat. While the mixture is melting, crush up your hazelnuts. I put them in a plastic baggy and hit them with a rolling pin a few times. You don't want them too small otherwise they'll be like powder instead of crunchy. Once they're an ideal size set them aside. Once the coconut oil and honey are melted stir in the cinnamon and cocoa powder. Then, take the saucepan off of the heat and add the eggs. Continuously stir the batter so that the eggs do not scramble. Once mixed well stir in the hazelnuts, and then put batter into the greased pan. Sprinkle the sea salt on top of the batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting and serving. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Organic Collard Greens Recipe

Collard greens are one of my favorite vegetables. I've made them vegetarian style, made them with smoked turkey, and today I made them with farm fresh bacon. I'm pretty sure these are the tastiest ones I've ever made. If you try the recipe I hope you enjoy them too.

(Makes 3 servings)
  • One bunch of organic collard greens (cut and cleaned)
  • 3 small organic onions or 1 medium (chopped)
  • 3 cloves of organic garlic (chopped)
  • 3-4 strips of bacon (cut into 1/2-1 inch pieces) (I used organic bacon I got from a farm)
  • 64 oz Pacific Organic Free Range Chicken Broth
  • 2 cup of water
  • 2 tbsp Franks Red Hot Sauce
  • A couple dashes of cayenne pepper (can omit if you don't like spicy greens)
  • Several cracks of pepper
After you've cut up the collards, onion, garlic, and bacon, combine them all in a pot. Pour the chicken broth and water into the pot. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Turn the stove on and cook on medium-high heat for 30 minutes, and then medium-low heat for 2 hours. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cheap Mason Jars

Good Sunday afternoon! 

I was browsing around Pinterest, because I'm a Pinterest addict, and I found a great pin that I wanted to share. I came across a website that sells really cheap mason jars (price wise, not quality). Now if you're like me and you're trying to get rid of plastic storage containers or you're an avid canner, this is a great find. I'm a little bummed that I'm finding this now after I already stocked up on jars, but it might come in handy for future purchases. They even have different shaped jars, corked bottles, glass bottles in all sizes for all uses, and jars meant for candling. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Interesting info on "Green Sex". Another area to think about when getting rid of toxins. I did switch to a non- toxic form of birth control which I'll tell you all about once I start using it. I have to get the surgeon's clearance first ;-)

Green sex: 5 Naughty ways to help the planet

Monday, April 1, 2013

Candles are toxic

I found out something new today- candles emit toxins and carcinogens into the air. This news was incredibly devastating to me since I LOVE to burn candles, especially my caramel smelling ones. I recently just bought new tea lights too so that I could continue my burning bliss. I knew I had a lot of toxins to get rid of in my house but I guess I didn't expect candles to be one of them. Luckily there are toxic-free alternatives that I will be purchasing in the near future.

Here are a couple articles that explain the toxins in candles: