DIY Rain Barrel
My husband made one last summer and I have to admit that I am very happy he did. This is pretty inexpensive to make and it pays for itself like 100x over. I don't know about you, but my water bill sky rockets in the summer time between watering the plants, vegetable garden, and topping off the pool. This has saved us lots of money because we run the hose about 5x less than we used to. We usually only use the hose to fill the pool now and that's HOPEFULLY only twice a summer. The rain barrel really comes in handy when it hasn't rained in a while. Obviously, when it rains you don't have to water your plants, so when you're going through a dry spell you can use the rain water that was collected. Honestly we never rain out of water. If you're have a significant drought then yes you may run out and have to use your hose, but under normal circumstances this will help you get by just fine. I will admit that its not the prettiest thing to look at, but when it comes to saving money on my water bill I'm all for it! You could dress it up if you're feeling extra crafty. We also have some tall bushes that we hide ours behind so its usually not visible to the unsuspecting eye. If you're interested, here's how to make one.
DIY Rain Barrel
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