Monday, March 25, 2013

Toxin-Free Plan of Action

Thanks to Coach Prime, a friend of mine on Facebook, I've decided to make a "Plan of Action" for my toxin-free life. Up until now (and you can probably tell by this blog) my plan has been a little discombobulated. I've just been switching things out here and there with no real timeline or set plan. I only have part of stage two completed but I've already started stage three. It's a mess. That all changes today. I am very serious about my mission to get rid of all of the toxins in my house and in my life, so it's time I come up with a concrete plan. If you are on a similar mission you might want to think about creating a plan of action as well. Write down what your ultimate goal is, the date you wish to complete your goal by, and your plan of action. This doesn't have to be just reducing the toxins in your life it can be anything. This is an easy way to put it all on the table and say "I'm going to do this and this is how I'm going to get it done." I have reduced the toxins in my house a great deal but in certain areas there are still a few lingering. Now its time to excommunicate them all with my plan.

I think its important to look at this as a process. Some goals are easier to complete than others. Some goals take longer to complete than others. In this instance, ridding your house of toxins is a long process. Unless you are wealthy, which most of us are not, this is going to take a while. A full year is a pretty good amount of time for this process, unless you can afford to do it quicker. If I start at when I began this whole journey, then I'd say I'm giving myself about 7 months. It is okay if it's going to take you longer. It's not a race to the finish line. Everything takes time. Without further ado,  here is my plan of action.

  • Goal: Get Rid of All Toxins
  • When:
    • Food Toxins- By May 1, 2013
    • Beauty Care Toxins- May 1, 2013
    • Household Cleaning Toxins- August 1, 2013
  • Plan of Action
    • Food
      • Replace coconut milk coffee creamer with homemade almond milk.
      • Discontinue use of store bought chocolate and replace with homemade.
      • Only store food in glass or stainless steel containers.
      • Avoid microwave use when at all possible.
      • Eat only organic non-GMO food, and only buy from companies supporting the non-GMO movement.
      • Research which bulk supply stores are the best for purchasing organic non-GMO foods (i.e. BJ's, Costco, or Sam's Club) and become a member.
    • Beauty Care
      • Research toxins and get rid of my products that contain harmful chemicals, hormones, and toxins.
      • Make homemade deodorant, toothpaste, make-up remover/facial cleansing wipes, and lip balm.
      • Only buy products that are non-toxic and use homemade when possible.
      • Reduce make-up use to only special occasions (i.e. date night, get togethers, holidays, celebrations/parties).
      • Use only organic coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, and almond oil for moisturizer, cleanser, and hair care.
    • Household Cleaning products
      • Get rid of all toxic cleansers and replace with homemade non-toxic alternatives.
        • Shower Cleaner
        • Surface Cleaner
        • Toilet Cleaner
        • Laundry Detergent
        • Fabric Softener
        • Carpet/Upholstery Cleaner
        • Disinfecting wipes
      • Buy toxin-free toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, dish detergent, and dishwasher detergent.
(This list will be longer for you if you are just starting out. I only included the things I still need to get rid of. I did not include the things that I've already changed. If you need help making an initial list please let me know and I can help you create one.)

If you are wondering which products are better than others, here's a great website that rates the products based on their ingredients.

I'm sure there might be something I'm missing, and if I think of something I'll update the list. Looking back at this list it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I even have to make this change. It makes me sad that so many people do not realize that they are contaminating their body just by following their normal daily routine. I wish that these toxins did not exist, and I wish our country wasn't so sick because of them. It's my personal mission to try to stop the spread of disease in my house, and in my family. I want us all to live long, healthy, happy lives. That's the reason I started this blog, so that I could spread awareness and help others. I have very few people in my life that are able to help me on this journey so I'm doing most of the leg work myself. If I can help someone else who is on this journey then I've done my job. It's a lot to learn and its time consuming, but the overall benefit is worth it. If you have any questions please comment below and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge. I will update you all periodically on my progress. I WILL be successful on my mission and I hope you will be too. May your toxic-free journey be a prosperous one!

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